Friday, July 13, 2007

Iraqi citizen leads Soldiers to caches in known terrorist safe haven

2nd BCT, 10th Mtn. Div. (LI) PAO

QARGHULI VILLAGE, Iraq — An Iraqi citizen who has been working with Coalition Forces during the past week led them to two caches in Qarghuli Village, Iraq, a known terrorist safe haven.
The local resident accompanied Soldiers of the 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment “Polar Bears,” 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) out of Fort Drum, N.Y., on a dismounted patrol in the village July 12 and led them to two caches.
The caches consisted of a rack system, a video camera, a 61mm fuze, a spool of command wire used to make improvised explosive devices, 44 Dragonov sniper rounds and a 155mm round.
During the past few days the Iraqi residents have led the Polar Bears to more than 14 caches in the village.
“The people of Qarghuli Village coming forward to help the Iraqi and Coalition Forces is a positive sign that they are willing to take more responsibility in their own security,” said Maj. Kenny Mintz, the 2nd BCT operations officer and native of San Diego. “They are taking steps that they have never taken before.”
The contents of the cache were destroyed during a controlled detonation conducted by members of the explosive ordnance team.

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